Welcome to El Masriae MC for electromechanical contracting Website.
El-Masria for electromechanical contracting - LLC
T +201006859918
Email: info@elmasriaemc.com
El-Masria EMC - LLC
16 Ibn Batota St, El.Haram, Giza, Egypt
Welcome to El Masriae MC for electromechanical contracting Website.
El-Masria for electromechanical is an authorized distributor for many international brands in the field of fire alarm and firefighting systems .We not only offer you a product but we also offer technical support, full servicing maintenance and training options we have a separate department for maintenance of firefighting system and fire alarm system equipment we offer a servicing of our engineers and technicians around 24 hours for emergency requirement we also support annual and half yearly maintenance contracts .
El-Masria for electromechanical specialized in designing, supply, installation, testing, commissioning, servicing and maintenance of various firefighting and fire alarm systems to meet NFBA and other local and international authorities requirements .Besides our design based on NFBA codes British standards, American standards drawings are prepared by the latest versions of programs software .The key behind success and growth of any engineering organization is the engineering and project executions department. We have a good blend highly skilled and experienced project Managers, Mechanical Engineers, Site Supervisors, Safety Officers .We also have a huge Labor Force both skilled and non-skilled Ready for implement any type of projects, We are working in various sectors in Fire Fighting and fire alarm Projects and Annual Maintenance.
With approved fittings and using latest methods in welding, threading, grooved coupling systems
With approved fittings and using latest methods in welding, threading, grooved coupling systems
16 Ibn Batota St, El.Haram
Giza, Egypt
Tel: +2033928476/5
Fax: +2033928476/5
Mob: +201006859918 | +201223115527
Email: info@elmasriaemc.com
Web: www.elmasriaemc.com